The Revised ORO Research Safety Checklist - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Revised ORO Research Safety Checklist

The Revised ORO Research Safety Checklist
ORO - Purpose
  • The Office of Research Oversight (ORO) serves as
    the primary VHA office in advising the Under
    Secretary for Health on all matters of compliance
    and assurance regarding human subject
    protections, animal welfare, research safety and
    security, research data security, and research

ORO - Authority
  • ORO promotes and enhances the responsible conduct
    of research in these areas in conformance with
    laws, regulations, and policies. In December 2003
    the President signed Public Law 108-170 that
    created by statute the Office of Research
    Oversight. The responsibilities of ORO are
    outlined in VA Directive 1058.

ORO - Functions
  • Perform program evaluations on site and remote
  • Identify non-compliances and monitor programs
    corrective actions
  • Provide technical assistance to programs
  • Interface with other VA Offices and federal

Technical Assistance
  • Obtaining policy clarification when needed
  • Responding to questions from the field
  • Development of checklists and other tools for
    program self-assessments
  • Participation in training events

ORO Checklists
  • Animal Welfare Checklist
  • Checklist for Developing an MOU
  • Facility Directors Research Oversight Checklist
    and Certification
  • Human Research Protection Program (HRPP)
  • Institutional Review Board (IRB) Checklist

ORO Checklists
  • Research and Development Committee Checklist
  • Research Data Security Assessment Checklist
  • Research Privacy Checklist
  • Research Safety Checklist
  • Security Checklist for BSL-2 and BSL-3
  • Security Checklist for BSL-3 Research Laboratory

ORO Research Safety Checklist
  • First developed in 2005 and released in 2006.
  • Updated in 2007 to include additional criteria
    and references
  • Scope expanded
  • Other VA Offices and Programs were consulted

Revised Checklist
  • Research Safety Programs
  • Subcommittee on Research Safety (SRS)
  • Laboratory Safety General
  • BSL-1 and ABSL-1 Laboratories
  • BSL-2 and ABSL-2 Laboratories
  • BSL-3 and ABSL-3 Laboratories
  • Appendix A (Acronyms)
  • Not in previous Checklist

General Instructions
  • Comprehensive format intended for modification
    to meet individual program requirements and needs
  • Checklist criteria are generalizations the
    corresponding regulations or policies should be
    consulted if the precise meaning is not clear.
  • Hazardous waste management must be considered in
    the context of state and local requirements.
  • Criteria for BSL-1 through BSL-3 are provided
    the requirements for each level is in addition to
    the requirements for lower levels.
  • Recommended source documents are listed.

Self-Review Process
  • Assemble appropriate source documents in advance.
  • Assemble review team members.
  • Review process
  • Document Review
  • Laboratory and Facility Inspection
  • Interviews with Key Personnel

  • Evaluate findings and prioritize.
  • Develop action plan with timeline.
  • Involve research management, laboratory
    directors, and technical advisors, when
  • Monitor progress.
  • Conduct follow-up reviews.

Report to ORO
  • Work-Related Injuries to Research Personnel
    Requiring More than Minor Medical Intervention or
    Leading to Serious Complications or Death
  • Significant Work-Related Exposures of Research
    Personnel to Hazardous Materials
  • For-Cause Suspensions or Terminations of Research
    by the Subcommittee for Research Safety (SRS) or
    Other Institutional Safety Committee

Report to ORO
  • Serious or Continuing Noncompliance with Federal
    Regulations or VHA Policies on Research Safety
    and Security, including
  • VHA Handbook 1200.06
  • VHA Handbook 1200.8
  • VHA Directive 2003-030
  • VHA Directive 2005-003
  • 7 CFR 331
  • 9 CFR 121
  • 29 CFR 1910
  • 29 CFR 1960

Report to ORO
  • Exposure, Release, Loss, or Theft of Hazardous
    Materials, including Select Agents Toxins
  • Any Findings of Noncompliance from ORD, the
    National Health Physics Program, the Office of
    Inspector General, or Other VA offices
  • Provide copy of official finding
  • Provide copies of subsequent correspondence until
    issue is resolved

Report to ORO
  • Any Findings of Noncompliance from External
    Oversight Agencies for Research Safety and
    Security, including OSHA, NRC, CDC, USDA, NIH
    (hazardous materials/select agents/toxins/rDNA)
  • Provide copy of official finding
  • Provide copies of subsequent correspondence until
    issue is resolved

How to Report
  • Report promptly (as soon as possible)
  • Report to Regional Office through Facility
    Director in writing (FAX, email, hard copy)
  • Describe issue
  • Describe any actions taken to address issue
  • Copy the VISN Director
  • Does not obviate the need to report to other
    oversight authorities

  • Office of Research Oversight
  • http//
  • 811 Vermont Avenue, N.W., Suite 574 (10R)
  • Washington, D.C. 20420
  • PHONE (202) 565-5184
  • FAX (202) 565-9194

  • Questions?
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